May 1st, Labour Day, Meekranz and Lily of the Valley

  • 01/May/2024
  • Luxembourg
May 1st Luxembourg
May 1st Luxembourg

Event description

May 1st is a very special day in Luxembourg. Several traditional festivals and celebrations are superimposed, celebrating above all the return of the fine weather.

Meekranz tradition on May 1st in Luxembourg

In Luxembourg, May 1st is marked above all by the tradition of the Meekranz or May Crown.

Traditionally, Luxembourgers hung wreaths of young green foliage from public buildings and houses. Even today, this custom continues in some parts of Luxembourg, where you'll see some doors decorated with wreaths of foliage. This tradition celebrates the return of the summer to Luxembourg.

Villagers gather in the forest in the morning to pick young shoots from the trees and weave the May wreath, which will be hung on a public building. No authorization is required to pick these branches in municipal forests.

Meekranz is above all a village festival celebrating the return of spring.

We take this opportunity to invite friends and family over for a glass of Mäitrank. This flavored wine is made from Moselle wine and macerated with sweet woodruff, a local plant. Oranges and cognac are also added. To be enjoyed in moderation!

Labour Day, May 1st in Luxembourg and elsewhere

May 1st is, of course, synonymous with Labor Day. As in many other countries, it's a public holiday in Luxembourg.

On this day, stores are closed and children don't have school.

This "International Labor Day" or "International Day of Struggle for Workers' Rights" has its origins in the 19th century. It was introduced when workers were seeking the 8-hour working day.

Once again, May 1st is an occasion for workers and trade unions to take to the streets. They take the opportunity to reiterate their wage and social demands.

May 1st, Lily of the Valley Festival in Luxembourg

May 1st is also a traditional day for giving lilies of the valley to loved ones. Lily of the valley is a symbol of happiness and good luck. Traditionally, we give three sprigs of lily of the valley, each with 13 bells!

To celebrate Lily of the Valley Day, you can find sprigs of lily of the valley in flower stores, supermarkets and petrol stations across Luxembourg.

But if the spring weather has been favourable enough, with warm, sunny days, you can also pick it yourself. You'll find lily of the valley in the woods, in cool places such as clearings and roadsides. This is the perfect opportunity to take a family walk through Luxembourg's beautiful forests and discover the "lily of the valley corners".

These are carefully guarded, a bit like the porcini mushroom patches in autumn...

Be careful not to let young children put thrush in their mouths, as it is toxic.

Some workers parade through the streets with a sprig of lily of the valley pinned to their clothing.

Discover other Luxembourg traditions.

  • Start date :
  • 01/05/2024



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