SOS Distresse Luxembourg, help service

"SOS Distresse - mir hëllefen iwwer Telefon an online" is a service offering personal help and advice by phone and online.

Support for those who need to talk

For 45 years, SOS Distress has been providing support to those in need. We listen to those who contact us, whether it's a personal crisis, a difficult period in life, a need for discussion or personal clarification.

People can come to us whenever they need to talk. No problem is too big or too small. The help we provide is confidential and totally anonymous.

Online help for those who need it

A team of volunteers is also available to advise and support people by telephone or in writing via our website.

Our online help, accessible via Help is available in 5 languages (Luxembourgish, German, French, English and Portuguese).

We also provide information on many different topics (e.g. migration or relationship issues) on our website in 6 languages

Our telephone line 454545 is available in Luxembourgish, German and French every day from 11:00 to 23:00 (Fridays and Saturdays until 03:00).

Given the evolution of our society, we are now also accessible to those who don't speak any of our three national languages.

That's why, since last October, we've been offering additional telephone support in English every Wednesday from 11:00 to 23:00, on our telephone number 454545.

SOS Détresse is a partner of the "Darkness into Light" march and many other aid events in Luxembourg.

Find out more about Health and well-being in Luxembourg

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