Crèche places

Find a nursery place for your child

Are you moving to Luxembourg and looking for a place in a crèche or day-care center for your child?

We understand that finding a trustworthy crèche for your child is a crucial step in the expatriation process.

Receive in a few clicks the proposals for an available place to look after your child. Fill in the form below to help us better understand your needs and ensure the best environment for your child.

Fill in the form for a crèche place

By submitting the form below, you confirm that the information provided is accurate and complete. Our partner will contact you as soon as possible to discuss the details of your request and inform you of availability.

" * " indicates required fields

1Stage 1
2Step 2

Type and location of care

Type of structure required*
Preferred location*

Why should you use our crèche matching service in Luxembourg?

  1. Guarantee of a reserved place: By filling in this form, you increase your chances of reserving a place in a nursery for your child. Demand for nursery places can be high, and by providing us with your details, we can better plan ahead and guarantee you a place wherever possible.
  2. Fast, personalized communication: By providing your contact details, our partner nurseries will be able to contact you quickly to discuss the details of your request and provide you with information specific to your situation.
  3. Privacy Guarantee: We understand the importance of keeping personal information confidential. By completing this form, you can be assured that all your data will be treated confidentially and in accordance with current data protection standards.

Thank you for taking the time to fill in this form so that we can serve you better.

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